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IoT Devices: Managing & Securing the Internet of Things

Managing and Securing IoT Devices with Unified Endpoint Management (UEM)

The Internet of Things (IoT) is here and growing exponentially.

Experts project that by 2020 there will be over 26.5 billion connected IoT endpoints.

Billions of devices or “things” will be connected together with endpoints, transferring exabytes of data to each other and to back-end systems.

This exponential growth means device management and security will be more challenging and more important than ever.

Therefore, it’s crucial for companies embracing the IoT to choose the right strategy for managing their IoT devices, endpoints, and security.

The Challenge of Managing the IoT

In the era of the IoT, systems of endpoints and computers can sense for themselves and use analytics and business intelligence to respond faster and better than a human.

Reactions and adjustments will happen without any human intervention, and often without any human awareness.

Companies are going to be deploying thousands or tens of thousands of diverse devices and endpoints to unlock and leverage these IoT capabilities.

It’s going to be bigger, more complex, and more complicated than the Internet we know, and it’s already creating new challenges around scale, interoperability, security, and management.

How to Manage IoT Devices

To plan accordingly, our partners at SOTI Inc. recommend five key ground rules that companies should keep in mind:

IoT Device Management: Five Ground Rules for Security and Success

  1. Device diversity is an opportunity, not a challenge. Embrace new devices and endpoints; they offer the potential to transform your business.
  2. Economies of scale should apply. Managing ten thousand devices should be just as easy as managing ten devices, and it can be.
  3. Proactively plan security by design. Identify the potential risks of your IoT deployment during the initial stages. Plan for the worst and choose your security accordingly.
  4. Avoid proprietary ecosystems. Open standards are not always better, but consider the long-term ramifications of locking into a closed ecosystem.
  5. Future-proof your investment. The IoT is taking off, and new standards and protocols are emerging every month. Don’t be left behind. The IoT may change the way your business works, and you need to embrace this change. If you don’t, your competitors will.

The Importance of IoT Security

Unfortunately, for many new IoT devices, security was not a consideration during their design. Often it’s only considered reactively as issues are identified in the field.

This lack of security consideration in the initial design process means companies must emphasize security and protect their devices, networks, and data accordingly. The best way to do that is through Unified Endpoint Management (UEM).

Unified Endpoint Management

Until now, many companies managed their mobile devices, enterprise assets, applications, and security through Mobile Device Management (MDM) and Enterprise Mobility Management (EMM) solutions.

SOTI was a pioneer in this area and serves over 17,000 businesses around the world.

However, the IoT calls for a new way to secure and manage the new IoT devices, endpoints, and emerging technologies.

Thankfully, SOTI is ahead of the curve and is leading the way with UEM.

UEM is the next generation of device and mobility management for the IoT era. It’s engineered to protect and manage a company’s mobile devices, applications, content, peripherals, and IoT endpoints.

SOTI is working with industry leaders, such as Zebra Technologies, and our team at Lowry Solutions, to develop UEM solutions for businesses adopting IoT technologies.

If the IoT is in your future, our team would be happy to help you explore a SOTI UEM solution and develop an IoT plan for your business.

Contact us now to continue the conversation and request a free consultation. Visit us at, call us at 1-888-881-2477, or email us now.

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